This program piece addresses life as a soldier, battlefield surgery, marching drills, and concludes with the battle and siege at Yorktown.  Various artifacts are presented and groups of students are actually trained in marching as a unit.

1775    General Gage orders 700 British soldiers to Concord to destroy weapons depot;  Paul Revere and William Davies are sent from Boston to give warning

            April 19 - 70 armed Massachusetts militiamen face the British advance guard; British forces retreat from Lexington and suffer 250 dead along the way

            May 10 - the Second Contential Congress with John Hancock President; he appoints George Washington Commander-in-Chief

            June 17 - Battle of Bunker Hill;  2000 British soldiers attach, regroup ... (American's run out of ammunition); British 1000 dead - America 400 dead

1776    Congress opens shipping ports to all except England

            May 2 - King Louis XVI of France provides $1,000,000; Spain declares support

            July 4 - United State Declaration of Independence

            October 11 - the new American Navy is destroyed in two battles (83 ships) in Lake Champlain

1777    John Paul Jones is Captain to the Ranger and raids English costal towns

            July 27 - Marquis de Lafayette volunteers support of America

            November 15 - Articles of Confederation (establishing a formalized goverment pending state ratification)

1778    Treaty of Amity and Commerce

            Treaty of Alliance (France is major supplier of military supplies)

            England and France declare war; England gains many Indian allies and terrorize settlers

1779    Spain declares war on England;  Americans begin attacking Indian villages

1780    Count de Rochambeau arrives at Rhode Island with 6000 French;  General Cornwallis defeats Americans in South Carolina

1781    Washington plans to attack New York; slaves in Williamsburg rebel

            August 1 - Cornwallis arrives in Yorktown with 10,000 men

            August 14 - Admiral Count de Grasse, with 29 ships, heads for Yorktown;  Washington and Rochambeau change plans and prepare attack at Yorktown

            September 28 - the American seige of Yorktown begins

1782    Loyalists leave America (many head to Canada); raids against Indians continue

1783    February 4 - England declares an end to hostilities

            April 11 - Congress delcares and end to war